Computer Engineering Student and InfoSec Researcher
Hello! I'm CyberTHX1138, a computer engineering student with a passion for information security. Here's a bit about me:
Academic Background
I am currently pursuing a degree in computer engineering at an American Uni
Research Focus
My research interests revolve around information security. I am particularly interested in [ethical] malware
development for Linux/Unix systems and Windows, and network-devices vulnerabilities. As well as how we use programming paradigms to translate the real world around
us to code.
Programming Languages
- C
- Python
- Bash
- Powershell
- OCaml (Learning Progress)
- Java (Learning in uni course)
Malware Development
As part of my exploration in the field, I delve into malware development and other related activities such
as networking and various other stuff.
- Entertainment: I love everything that's related to robotics, anthropomorphic robots, or mechanized warfare as shown in animes like Gundam.
As for the games I play, I used to play Caves of Qud & Cogmind, the influence of both can be pleasantly seen in
my choice of the website's theme and the color pallette.
- Creative Activities: I love listening to classical Music and composing classical music.
My favorite composer of all time is Shostakovich.
- Physical Activities: I practice weighted calisthenics for strength and swimming as a form of cardio
- Intellectual Activities: I solve engineering problems for the sake of improving the average human's HDI and for the fun of it! I usually pick the right issue to solve
in relation to the set of tools I have, but I do not mind venturing into unknown fields and disciplines to me to attempt solving an issue.
This website was made by me.
This page was made with only HTML & CSS. No JS